Cat-photo standard 2.0 tags

Cat-Photo information

These tags must be put in the [Global] section.

Tag Description
CPVersion Must be set to the version number, without any leading or trailing spaces. Example: "CPVersion=1.5"
Characterset Specifies the character set. Currently, it must be set to "ISO8859-1" or not be set at all.

Publishing information

These tags must be put in the [Global] section.

Tag Description
Title Title for the picture, mostly used as heading
Description Long description of what the picture shows. No linebreaks are allowed in the text.
Group Precise description of the event, where the picture was taken. Be sure, that all pictures from the same event have exactly the same text here. This way, pictures can be grouped by events.
Photographer Original creator/photo bureau
Contact Inquery address, email, phone. Remember to keep all on one line.
Policy Distribution license. (Free, OPL, restricted). You may also write a comment here about redistribution.
RestrictPublishing Set this to "YES" if the picture may not be published to everybody on the internet. Remove the tag if the picture may be published. It is the intent to extend the possible values for this tag later, so please conform strictly to the standard now. The difference between policy and RestrictPublishing tags are, that Policy is meant to be human-readable, whereas RestrictPublishing is a convenient way to ensure, that a program automatically can detect and warn the user, if restricted images are to be published.
Keywords Searchable keywords separated by spaces.
Orientation This tag specifies how the jpeg file should be rotated, so that it presents itself correct to the user. Some cameras autodetect the orientation and rotate the image before it is jpeg compressed, but some cameras just store the picture without any regard to orientation. The value is an integer between -360 and 360, and specifies the degress, that the jpeg file should be rotated in order to be upright. A positive number denotes a counter-clockwise rotation. Most photo publishers will probably round to the nearest 90 degrees before rotating. Default value is 0 degrees, meaning that no rotation should be applied.
SortKey This key is useful for sorting pictures. Normally, a digital camera will provide the pictures with filenames, that will sort the pictures chronologically, if you sort the files by their names. In order to use this information, the SortKey should be set together using the date and time of the files in the format "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" with the original filename appended. If the time and date of the files are completely wrong, it is adviced to "invent" a new date and time, that would match the correct position of the picture in the series. Example SortKey is "SortKey=19990912140133MVC00001F.JPG". It is highly recommended to make this entry as soon as possible. Good tools should make this key automatically, if it's not already there.


These tags must be put in the [Global] section.

Tag Description
CameraManufacturer Name og the company that has manufactured the camera.
Camera Model of the camera used.
ScannerManufacturer Name of the company that has manufactured the scanner.
Scanner Name and model of the scanner used.

Date and time

These tags must be put in the [Global] section.

Tag Description
Date This is the date of when the picture was made. It is specified using the format "YYYY-MM-DD". If the exact date is not known, try to guess the date as best as you can. It is not allowed only to specify parts of the date, like "1999-08". If unsure about the exact date, write this as a comment in the Group or Description tags.
Time This is the time of the day when the picture was made. It is specified using 24-hour time using the format "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS".
Timezone This is the number of hours to subtract from the time specified using the Time tag in order to get UTC time. During west european summer this value is 2, and during west european winter this value is 1. This is a floating point value written using american notation with a dot. Most timezones will specify an integer value, but a few timezones will specify a fractional number.


These tags must be put in the [Global] section.

Tag Description
Latitude North is positive, south is negative. Written as a floating point value with a dot as decimal separator.
Longitude East is positive, west is negative. Written as a floating point value with a dot as decimal separator.
Altitude Altitude in meters above sea level.
GPSTimestamp UTC timestamp as reported by the GPS receiver.
GPSDOP Indicates the GPS DOP (data degree of precision). An HDOP value is written during two-dimensional measurement, and PDOP during three-dimensional measurement.
GPSSpeed Indicates the speed of GPS receiver movement in meter/second.
GPSTrack Indicates the direction of GPS receiver movement as degrees between 0 and 359.99.
GPSImgDirection Indicates the direction of the image when it was captured. The value is between 0 and 359.99.

Info from JPEG file

All these tags should be put in the [FromJPEG] section. Only information, that is also present inside the JPEG file may be put here. This section only serves as an easy way to see, what's inside the JPEG file. If the same tag is present in this section and in the [Global] section, this section contains the same info as the JPEG file, whereas the [Global] section contains the correct information. E.g.: If the camera clock is incorrect, the [FromJPEG] date and time will be incorrect, whereas the [Global] section contains the correct date and time.

All the EXIF rational values are written as floating-point values, except for the values that use the APEX setting as unit - they may choose between floating point and fractions (e.g. ShutterSpeedValue=2/3).

Tag Description
ImageWidth Width of image in pixels. If the picture was take in an unusual orientation, it is the width when the original jpeg file is displayed by a default jpeg viewer.
ImageHeight Height of image in pixels.
Make Image input equipment manufacturer (EXIF 2.1).
Model Image input equipment model (EXIF 2.1).
Software Software used to make this image (EXIF 2.1).
Artist Person who created this image (EXIF 2.1).
Copyright Copyright holder (EXIF 2.1).
MakerNote Manufacturer notes (EXIF 2.1).
RelatedSoundFile Related audio file (EXIF 2.1). Note that this tag is only present because Exif 2.1 defines it, not because it is used in the cat-photo system.
DateTimeOriginal Date and time of original data generation (EXIF 2.1). This tag must use the format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss", which differs from EXIF, that uses colons instead of dashes.
DateTimeDigitized Date and time of digital data generation (EXIF 2.1). This tag must use the format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss", which differs from EXIF, that uses colons instead of dashes.
ExposureTime Exposure time in seconds (EXIF 2.1).
FNumber F number (EXIF 2.1).
ExposureProgram Exposure program specified as a number between 0 and 255, according to EXIF 2.1.
SpectralSensitivity Indicates the spectral sensitivity of each channel of the camera used, see EXIF 2.1.
ISOSpeedRatings ISO speed rating as specified in ISO 12232 (EXIF 2.1).
OECF Optoelectric conversion factor (EXIF 2.1). This is the relationship between the camera optical input and the image values. It is defined in ISO 14524.
ShutterSpeedValue Shutter speed. The unit is the APEX setting (EXIF 2.1)
ApertureValue The lens aperture. The unit is the APEX value. (EXIF 2.1)
BrightnessValue The value of brightness. The unit is the APEX value (EXIF 2.1).
ExposureBiasValue Exposure bias (EXIF 2.1).
MaxApertureValue The smallest F number of the lens. The unit is the APEX value. (EXIF 2.1)
SubjectDistance Subject distance in meters (EXIF 2.1).
MeteringMode Metering mode specified as in EXIF 2.1 (a number between 0 and 255).
LightSource The kind of light source as specified in EXIF 2.1. A number between 0 and 255, 0 is unknown.
Flash Flash settings specified as a number according to EXIF 2.1. An uneven value means that the flash fired.
FocalLength The actual focal length of the lens, in mm. (EXIF 2.1)
FlashEnergy Indicates the strobe energy at the time the image is captured, measured in Beam Candle Power Seconds (BCPS) (EXIF 2.1).
SpatialFrequencyResponse Spatial frequency response (EXIF 2.1).
FocalPlaneXResolution Focal plan X resolution (EXIF 2.1). Indicates the number of pixels in the image width (X) direction per FocalPlaneResultionUnit on the camera focal plane.
FocalPlaneYResolution Focal plan Y resolution (EXIF 2.1). Indicates the number of pixels in the image height (Y) direction per FocalPlaneResultionUnit on the camera focal plane.
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit Focal plane resolution unit (EXIF 2.1).
SubjectLocation Subject location (EXIF 2.1). It is specified as two integers, separated by a comma. The value specify the location of the main subject in the scene, specified as the column,row with the first column having number 0.
ExposureIndex Indicates the exposure index selected on the camera or input device at the time the image is captured (EXIF 2.1).
SensingMethod Sensing method specified as a number between 1 and 8 (EXIF 2.1). Other numbers are reserved.
GPSLatitude North is positive, south is negative. Written as a floating point value.
GPSLongitude East is positive, west is negative
Altitude Altitude in meters above sea level.
GPSTimestamp UTC timestamp as reported by the GPS receiver.
GPSDOP Indicates the GPS DOP (data degree of precision). An HDOP value is written during two-dimensional measurement, and PDOP during three-dimensional measurement.
GPSSpeed Indicates the speed of GPS receiver movement in meter/second.
GPSTrack Indicates the direction of GPS receiver movement as degrees between 0 and 359.99.
GPSImgDirection Indicates the direction of the image when it was captured. The value is between 0 and 359.99.